Frequently Asked Dental Questions – Oklahoma City, OK

Our Experts Answer Your Questions

Why is it necessary to visit the dentist every six months? Will your dentist accept your dental insurance? Will you need a referral to receive dental implants? Does tooth extraction hurt? These questions are just a few of the many we have received from our patients over the years. To make it easier for everyone to find the answers, we’ve compiled the insight of our three dental experts below. If you have additional questions and would like to discuss them further, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.

Why do I need to see a dentist every six months?

Six-month dental checkups and teeth cleanings are important if you want to maintain good oral health. The reason is that plaque and bacteria can grow and spread quickly, and at-home oral hygiene habits may not be enough to keep them from attacking your teeth, gums, and bone. With professional examinations and cleanings, though, our team can rid your smile of anything that might negatively impact your oral and overall health.

Will it hurt to have a tooth extracted?

During the tooth removal process, you can expect to receive local anesthesia to keep you pain-free. If necessary, you can also inquire about receiving sedation dentistry. Once the anesthesia wears off after the surgery, you can expect there to be some soreness and discomfort. Fortunately, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers to help minimize the feeling.

Is a referral necessary for dental implants?

No, you will not need a referral for dental implants. The reason why is that all three of our skilled dental professionals can place these permanent prosthetics. No matter which location you visit, you can trust that our team has the experience and training to properly position and place your new tooth roots before attaching a customized restoration on top.

I am afraid of the dentist’s office. Do you offer sedation options?

Yes, we are pleased to provide various sedation dentistry options for patients who suffer from dental anxiety. At First Impression Dentistry, we provide nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and IV sedation. When visiting with a member of our team, you can discuss your situation and determine which method of treatment will be right for you.

Will you take my dental insurance?

Our team is in-network with many PPO dental insurance plans. As a result, we will go over your policy to determine ways we can help you save so that your treatment requires you to pay less out of pocket. But trust that even if we are not in-network with your plan, we will do our best to keep your expenses low when undergoing treatment.

If I’m uninsured, are there other ways to keep dental treatment affordable?

If you’re uninsured, you can apply for flexible financing through CareCredit or Sunbit. You can also enroll in our in-house dental savings plan. By paying one low fee, you can receive the same great dental care as all of our other patients while enjoying 100% covered preventive services and discounted treatments.